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Balkoiak - Hiri Ekintza


Urban Action

17 - 22 November
11:30 h
Ensanche Building (Plaza Ensanche, 11 - 48009 Bilbao)


Ensanche Building (Plaza Ensanche, 11 - 48009 Bilbao)


Organised by

Logo Ayuntamiento de Bilbao
Logo Diputación Foral de Bizkaia

The project involves transferring the plants from specific balconies in the city to the room in the Ensanche Building. To recreate the configuration and distribution of plants from specific balconies in the room. Transfer, displacement and decontextualization of an everyday element, inviting one to observe the city, to focus on the plants and gardens that people create on their balconies. This will be a participative action to transfer the plants, walking around the city with the person or team of transporters and participants acting as the escort. They will walk from the address of the balcony to the Ensanche Building in a procession accompanying the plants.

When I walk through the city, I pay attention to the balconies, in particular those where the inhabitants create gardens that contribute to the common good. There are different types of balcony, some are like an orchard filled with a diversity of plants ranging in height, size and species and filling the entire balcony, others may just have a row of geraniums on the ground, or just one single plant. They are all gardens, needing care and they serve to build the city. Balconies and their plants, elements that shape the city, elements that unite and connect.


If you are interested in participating, please contact us at