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Talentu Gazteak

Talentu Gazteak


19 November
15:00 h - 18:00 h

Organised by

EIDE Gazteak

Organised by an EIDE Gazteak working group, with the collaboration of the training centres DIGIPEN, IDARTE, IED KUNSTHAL, MONDRAGON UNIBERTSITATEA (Higher Polytechnic School and Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences, UNIVERSITY OF DEUSTO, UNIVERSITY OF NAVARRA (E. T. S. Architecture and Tecnun) and UNIVERSITY OF THE BASQUE COUNTRY (E. T. S. Architecture and Faculty of Fine Arts), which will select the best projects. This year’s event will serve to learn about its authors, their projects, skills and training, underscore the preparation and talent of the students who graduate from our universities and colleges each year in creative disciplines, generate a meeting space for professionals and new talent, promote networking between different sectors and fields, and provide visibility to local talent, connecting with international talent and raising public awareness of the importance of design and creativity.