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17 November
11:30 h
Fuente Portal de Zamudio (Old Town of Bilbao)


The project involves transferring the plants from specific balconies in the city to the room in the Ensanche Building.

Un grupo de participantes durante una sesión de codiseño.
20 November
11:00 h - 14:00 h
Wikitoki (Plaza de la Cantera, 5 - 2º, 48003 Bilbao)

Workshop on co-creation with a feminist focus

Do you have design biases? Do you recognise the biases of those who have designed certain objects, products, messages, images, processes or services?

Ambiente begihandi
20 November
19:00 h - 21:00 h
Bira Kultur Gunea (Ronda Street, 2, Ibaiondo, 48005 Bilbao)


BEGIHANDI returns to Bilbao Bizkaia Design Week!

Duara Fashion Innovation Agency
15 - 22 November
12:00 h - 20:00 h
BBK Kuna

Basque League ‘From Waste to Fashion Bizkaia’ design competition exhibition

Exhibition of the designs from the Bilbao Live Sustainable Fashion Contest, part of the Basque League ‘From Waste to Fashion’.