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Opening ceremony of the BBDW24

14 November
18:30 h - 21:00 h
Ensanche Building Atrium (Plaza Ensanche, 11 - 48009 Bilbao)


Ensanche Building Atrium (Plaza Ensanche, 11 - 48009 Bilbao)


Organised by

Logo Ayuntamiento de Bilbao
Logo Diputación Foral de Bizkaia

Kaixo! Is the opening event of the tenth edition of Bilbao Bizkaia Design Week and an open invitation to explore Biotik Design, a way of designing and thinking about the world in a fairer, more innovative and sustainable manner.

During the session, a number of international speakers, with outstanding transformational career paths, will share key ideas: Gabriela Rendón, architect and urban planner based in New York, recognised for her disruptive approaches, will talk about imaginaries and challenging practices for transformation in the urban environment. Domestic Streamers, a creative agency specialising in the transformation of data into feelings, will give an interactive talk on eco-social transformation from an experimental perspective. Martí Guixé, pioneer of Food Design Fiction, will consider how food has the capacity to become an agent of change and transformation, to be an influencer. Maider López will talk about “Balconies”, the Action and Installation with which she takes part in the BBDW24.

In addition, throughout the event, the public will have the opportunity to contribute interactively to the creation of a Decalogue for Biotik Design, defining key concepts and criteria in order to create “Territories for Life” which will lead the rest of the week. This all takes place with Maitena Salinas as the Mistress of Ceremonies and with the introduction of Elisa de los Reyes from Pez Estudio on behalf of the curator. 

Lastly, we will have the opportunity to enjoy a meeting place and tasting at the hands of Sustraiak catering, combined with La Salve beers and accompanied by DJ Puñales.