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Meet up, celebrate and share the BBDW24

22 November
18:30 h - 21:00 h
Ensanche Building Atrium (Plaza Ensanche, 11 - 48009 Bilbao)


Ensanche Building Atrium (Plaza Ensanche, 11 - 48009 Bilbao)


Organised by

Logo Ayuntamiento de Bilbao
Logo Diputación Foral de Bizkaia

We invite you to take part in a special event that celebrates design in Bilbao and Bizkaia, where you can share everything experienced throughout the week in a creative and relaxed atmosphere. The atrium in the Ensanche Building will turn into a space for meeting, performance and exhibition.

You will have the opportunity to learn about the challenges and results of the Diseñatón directly from its protagonists. For three days, fifty students from nine design centres in Euskadi worked on finding solutions for five local organisations in relation to the five subject matters of this edition, linked to ecology, inclusion, collaboration, open knowledge and experimentation.  

In addition, the emerging artists collective Heréticas will offer a performance that explores the principles and the imaginary of Biotik Design in Bizkaia, in collaboration with the professionals that took part in the Masterclass given by Gabriela Rendón and Pez Estudio. Once again, Maitena Salinas will be the Mistress of Ceremonies and Elisa de los Reyes from Pez Estudio the curator for the evening. 

And to close the event, you will be able to enjoy the delicious food provided by Sustraiak together with beers from La Salve and a moment of music offered by Puñales