Experimental skins masterclass: Body, Matter and Nature
The “Body, Matter and Nature” masterclass introduces new materialities in fashion by combining different disciplines: art, dance, architecture and material resea
19 November
15:00 h - 18:00 h
Ensanche Building (Plaza Ensanche, 11, 48009 Bilbao)
Talentu Gazteak
Organised by an EIDE Gazteak working group, with the collaboration of the training centres DIGIPEN, IDARTE, IED KUNSTHAL, MONDRAGON UNIBERTSITATEA (Higher Polytechnic School and Fac
19 November
18:30 h - 20:00 h
Ensanche Building (Plaza Ensanche, 11, 48009 Bilbao)
Portfolio Night
This activity is aimed at students and young designers - industrial/product design, graphic/digital design, space design, service design, strategic design, etc.
18 - 20 November
10:00 h - 14:00 h
Open Studio
This activity consists of three morning open days when design studios associated with EIDE will be visited by students, professionals, companies and the general public, and broad
17 - 22 November
Ensanche Building (Plaza Ensanche, 11 - 48009 Bilbao)
The project involves transferring the plants from specific balconies in the city to the room in the Ensanche Building.
15 - 22 November
12:00 h - 20:00 h
BBK Kuna
Basque League ‘From Waste to Fashion Bizkaia’ design competition exhibition
Exhibition of the designs from the Bilbao Live Sustainable Fashion Contest, part of the Basque League ‘From Waste to Fashion’.